Day #7
Throwback Saturday: Snow Play-dough

Glittery and as white as snow
Let´s try an unusual flour-free play-dough recipe today. The result will be glittery and as white as snow.
You´ll need
– 2 units of baking soda,
– 1 unit of WHITE cornstarch
– and 1+1/4 units of water.
A 2 dl unit yields approximately 50 smaller shapes.
1. Mix the ingredients in a pot and stir on medium heat.
2. As soon as the mixture resembles mashed potatoes, turn the heat off.
3. Transfer the dough onto a plate and cover it immediately.
4. After a few hours of cooling time use it as any other dough – spread it and cut shapes out of it.
5. Let the shapes air dry for 24 hours.
6. Keep the dough in the fridge in a sealed container.
Practice these words and sentences:
glittery – csillogó
snow white – hófehér
play-dough – gyurma
to stir – keverni, kavarni
to spread – kinyújtani
It is as white as snow. – Olyan fehér, mint a hó.
Mix the ingredients in a pot. – Keverjük össze a hozzávalókat egy edényben.
Can you help me to stir? – Segítesz nekem keverni?
Do you want to know what the figures will be like? – Kíváncsi vagy, milyenek lesznek a figurák?
Which one do you like best? – Melyik tetszik a legjobban?