Day #1
Teach Them Caring

Reverse Advent Calendar
Put an item for donation (non-perishable food, hygiene product, useful household item, etc.) in a box every day during Advent and donate the box to someone in need on Christmas Eve.
And to make sure we always remember to be grateful for what we have and help those in need, not only at Christmas time, repeat this every season.
Practise these words and sentences:
- Christmas Eve – Szenteste
- gift, present – ajándék
- charity – jótékonyság
- to donate – adományozni
- to be in need – szüksége van valamire
- Gyere, tegyük bele a dobozba! – Let’s put it in the box.
- Legyél hálás azért, amid van! – Be grateful for what you have.
- A dobozt egy szegény családnak adományozzuk. – We donate the box to a poor family.
- Adni jó.
- Mit tegyünk ma a dobozba?