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This Is Our Jack-‘o-Lantern (by Ancsa)

Dalolva rajzolj töklámpást 2 perc alatt + AJÁNDÉK KÉZMŰVES SZÓSZEDET Ancsa imád rajzolni a kicsikkel, különösen éneklés, mondókázás közben! Ha nincs kedvetek, [...]

This Is Our Jack-‘o-Lantern (by Ancsa)2022-11-01T16:30:30+01:00

Halloween Paper Magic (by Ancsa, Livi and Lulu)

Peek-a-boo Pumpkin és Crazy Witch fej alakzatokból, 2 korosztállyal Ancsa, Lulu (4) és Livi (12) megmutatja, hogyan készíthettek szuper kukucs tököt, vagy [...]

Halloween Paper Magic (by Ancsa, Livi and Lulu)2022-10-29T18:09:05+02:00

Post Easter Egg-tivities

Mini challenge #5 Post Easter Egg-tivities Easter eggs, Easter eggs, Easter eggs everywhere... Let us give you some post Easter egg-tivity ideas! We picked three [...]

Post Easter Egg-tivities2022-04-19T15:38:13+02:00

Easter Monday Activities

Mini challenge #4 Easter Monday Activities Oh, Easter Mondays and those typically Hungarian traditions... A lot of guests, huge amount of stuffed cabbage... Sprinkling and [...]

Easter Monday Activities2022-04-16T11:29:43+02:00

So Sheep-le Egg Basket + Bunny Rhymes

Mini challenge #2 So Sheep-le Egg Basket + Bunny Rhymes Recycle, upcycle! You can collect your Easter eggs / bunnies in it or decorate your [...]

So Sheep-le Egg Basket + Bunny Rhymes2022-04-16T10:23:52+02:00

Bunny Bookmarks and Easter Egg Postcards

Mini challenge #1 Bunny Bookmarks and Easter Egg Greeting cards Will the Easter bunny bring you some new books? Then you will need a bunny bookmark! Come [...]

Bunny Bookmarks and Easter Egg Postcards2022-04-16T12:31:56+02:00
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